How to improve your soul

Your soul is what defines your personality, the way you act, and how you feel, among other things.
Enriching and improving your soul can make your life more fulfilling. If you want to work on improving your soul, consider the following tips:
Focus on the things that matter.
Spending too much of your time and attention on material possessions, money, and career can cause you to lose sight of the things in life that really matter. You can improve your soul by stepping back and thinking about the things in life that really matter to you. This can be your family, friends, beliefs, and anything you do that makes life worth living. Take a look at where you have your priorities now, and if they don't include the things you consider to be most important, then you can improve your soul by focusing on those things in life that matter.
 If you are religious, many people find that they can enrich their lives through prayer. Pray for peace in your life, for things you need, for others, or to thank. If you are not religious, take some time each day to clear your head and meditate.
Holding grudges is one thing that can weigh your soul down. You can improve your soul by learning how to let go of the things people have done to wrong you. Letting go of the anger you hold towards others will take a weight off of you and will also empower you. By not allowing others to bring you down, you have control of your life.
Be kind to others.
One excellent way to improve your soul is to be kind to others. If you're like most people, you feel good about yourself and life in general when you are kind to other people. So be nice to everyone-friends, family, coworkers, and complete strangers. Offer to help your neighbor move in, or help an elderly person to their car with their groceries, hold a door open for a stranger, take a friend out for coffee, or give a family member a phone call to tell them you love them. These random acts of kindness will enrich your soul as well as those around you.
Surround yourself with beauty.
Music, literature, and art all have unique ways of improving your soul by opening you up to new experiences and feelings. The beauty of music, art, and literature in all forms have a positive effect on your soul, so take advantage of the beauty around you. You can also improve your soul by taking in the beauty of your surroundings, whether it be a beautiful sunset, flower garden, or ocean.
Let go of worry.
You can improve your soul by letting go of worries and thoughts that preoccupy your mind. Think logically and tell yourself you can't worry about anything that you can't control. So if you are staying up late at night worrying about a presentation tomorrow, tell yourself you can worry about it after it's over and you've given yourself a chance to do well. Letting go of worry or negative thoughts can lift your soul.
Improving your soul will also result in a n improved life overall. These are some of the things you can do, some small and some that will require more work, to improve your soul