Are You a Leader or a Dealer?

Close your eyes for a while. Think of the face of the person who has/had a great impact and influence in you. He may be your 4th grade teacher. She may be your supervisor in the office. He may be your pastor in the Church. He may be your dad. She may be a leader in your organization. That person may be anyone who touched your heart.

Now, the same exercise will be done. Close your eyes. At this time, picture in your mind the face of the person who does/did not have any impact and influence in your life….. I will give you one minute…. Are you done? One more minute…… Are you through? 5 more minutes…. I hope that you have thought of that person now. Why did you have difficulty thinking of the person? The answer is simple. The person may not have any impact and significance in your life. The person does not have a special place in your mind, in your heart and in your life. We don’t waste time thinking and remembering people who are not significant. We don’t care about them because they don’t care about us.

Why are some of your experiences and encounters with selected people still fresh in your mind even though they happened long time ago? Because these people are true leaders. They are leaders in their own way and in their own field. Leaders are those who guide, assist, motivate, encourage and inspire you. They lead you to the level or goal where you ought to be. They bring out the best in you. They push you to the limits. They maximize your potentials. They help you reach your goals and fulfill your dreams.

However, these tasks and responsibilities cannot be done by a dealer, but can only be handled by a leader. A person should possess and exhibit leadership qualities, and not dealership skills.
Dealership is founded on position, Leadership is founded on influence. Dealership is based on fear, Leadership is based on respect. A Dealer manipulates people, a Leader influences people. A Dealer commands, a Leader serves. A Dealer thinks of what he can get, a Leader thinks of what he can share. A Dealer enforces, a Leader motivates. A Dealer intimidates, a Leader inspires. A Dealer is inconsiderate, a Leader is caring. A Dealer is selfish, a Leader is selfless. A Dealer drains, a Leader nourishes.

Pause and ask yourself these important questions.

To your kids, are you a leader or a dealer?
To your spouse, are you a leader or a dealer?
To your students, are you a leader or a dealer?
To your parents, are you a leader or a dealer?
To your co-workers, are you a leader or a dealer?
To your friends, are you a leader or a dealer?
To your family and relatives, are you a leader or a dealer?
To the people around you, are you a leader or a dealer?

It’s time to evaluate and improve our relational and leadership skills if you want to make a different in the people’s lives. The words LEADER and DEALER don’t simply differ in the arrangement of letters, but also in the order of values.